Welcome to Queens based Americana songwriting team MIAstoria.  Our music captures a long ago time growing up in the 70's & 80's in Astoria, Queens . A time before internet, cell phones and social media

MIAstoria is George Gatt & Don “Wizard” Seigal. Born and raised in Queens, we strive to sing songs about a simpler time in life back in Queens. Hanging out at Astoria park

I'm so excited for you to experience my music. It's my hope that in discovering this page, you fall in love a little more with Astoria, Queens, NY. To learn more about our music, please navigate our web page from the menu lines on the top right corner. PEACE LOVE Health & HAPPINESS

We will be playing a short set at MOAHAVA coffee shop in Greenwich village on Jan 8th at 730pm. Its free and fun. Great music, coffee and vibes. The address is 47 W8th st in the West Village. Come on down and cuddle up with a hot coffee and cool folks. The music captures the essence of the Village.  Hope to see ya there      

Thank you all for coming to the show; it was a fun night


Next show is Monday, APRIL 29th at 730pm-930pm. It FUN & FREE


Astoria Park Song (Performed by MIAstoria, the Queens NYC "AMERICANA" Rock Band) 

The song is a throwback upbeat Love song for the iconic Queens New York City Park about the past and present romantic relationships in the NYC park nestled between the Triboro & Hells Gate Bridge. The video celebrates the time when classic cars , motorcycles & pedestrians happily shared the half mile "Shore Boulevard River Walk" over looking Manhattan's majestic skylines & bridges. Sign up for our newsletter at MIAsoria.net (C) Copyright 2021 Rat-A-Tat LLC